Introduction Spousal maintenance is maintenance paid by a former spouse, to the other former spouse, in respect of that spouse only. It is separate and distinguishable from child maintenance, which may also be paid in addition to spousal maintenance where there are minor or dependent children. Spousal maintenance in a divorce order In a divorce order, a court may order one party to pay maintenance to the other either for a specified period of time (rehabilitative maintenance) or for an indeterminate period of time (until such person’s death or remarriage). Rehabilitative maintenance is maintenance which operates for a limited and specified period of time, and is intended to assist the person receiving same towards becoming financially independent of their former spouse. Once the period specified in the order comes to an end, no further maintenance can be claimed. Factors considered in awarding maintenance
Recommended maintenance clauses Any maintenance in terms of the divorce order should provide for either a specified percentage increase, or increase according to the Consumer Price Index (CPI) annually on the date of the divorce.
Documents needed to prove a claim for maintenance